We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral, poster, symposium or graduate presentation to share your research, practice knowledge and experiences and be part of the 2025 NZAS Conference.
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If you have not yet submitted an abstract, please select the Create New Account button below (on the right).
Sign in
If you have set up an account, submitted your abstract, or wish to edit your submission, please Sign in to the abstract submission portal with your email address and password.
Please do not set up a new account if you have already set up an account previously.
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Signed in, but forgotten you password. Use this link to reset your password.
Please have the following ready to upload during this process:
- Contact details of lead (corresponding) contact
- Abstract written in the correct format and a doc file
- Abstract title
- All author(s) affiliations, organisation, city, country
- Short biographies about the presenting author(s)
If you have any questions regarding your submission, please refer to the conference website, or contact Nerida Ramsay, Composition at nzas@composition.co.nz or phone +64 3 332 4537 / +64 21 519 110.